Sex work is a profession

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Prostitution prohibition campaigns and a lack of equity. Stephanie Klee interviewed by a German journalist.

Stephanie Klee, the chairwoman of the Federal Association for Sexual Services, outlines what the organization stands for and who it represents. She emphasizes that the association serves as a national point of contact for the prostitute sector and assists with prostitution establishment approval.

In addition, the association assists brothel owners and sex workers with all aspects of administration and professionalization, and it is available to anybody who is interested in learning about the many aspects of prostitution in a realistic, truthful and objective manner.

A collaboration with other business associations has begun, and they have launched their own petition, “Abolition of Section 232a Paragraph 6 of the Criminal Code – No Punishment for Clients!”

The petition began last year, when the German federal parliament voted to tighten up the paragraph on the day before the summer vacation at 1:15 a.m., without first discussing it in a committee, consulting experts, or discussing it within the legislature.

Stephanie Klee also stated that customers who “recklessly” participate in forced prostitution, victims of human trafficking, or sex workers in need are now being penalized.

A customer will never know whether the woman is a forced prostitute because if she is, she will never tell a stranger. This law is a symbolic law.

Klee also believes it is about taking a step toward banning prostitution.

The Swedish model prohibits paid sex and punishes the client

Stephanie Klee was questioned by the journalist if the Swedish model is also desired in Germany, which prohibits the buying of sex and punishes clients. Klee is vehemently opposed to penalizing clients who haven’t done anything wrong, as well as the isolation and discrimination of sex workers.

Prostitution is prohibited in Sweden and customers are criminalized, therefore women are unable to work in brothels, where they can find peace, safety and hygiene, as well as social interaction with their co-workers.

She also refers to article 12, which states that a woman has the right to perform this profession, just as everyone has the freedom to freely pick an occupation. If prostitution is banned, they will lose their source of income.

Stephanie Klee as well as the association support a constitutional complaint against the modification of paragraph 232A, requesting that the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe examine whether the law is valid.

The German journalist asked Stephanie Klee if sex work is considered paid labor and she agreed. This is a regular work that is done to make a livelihood, and she even refers to it as a profession.

This job, according to Klee, is unlike any other since it is associated with a lot of stigma and legal discrimination. This is a sector with no professional ethics or training, which means that women must learn new skills and become more aware of their rights by doing it.

However, this is far from a regular job, as the government still has a long way to go in ensuring that sex workers have equal rights.

When asked why sex workers encounter so much discrimination, the chairwoman of the Federal Association for Sexual Services said that morality is one of the primary reasons sex-buying opponents are so vehemently opposed to prostitution.

According to Stephanie Klee, most of them live on their own terms, believing that their notion of monogamy and family is the proper one and rejecting any other philosophy of life. However, the fact is that when it comes to sexuality, there are several ways to express yourself, and each individual should be free to do so.

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