5 best tips for girls who are looking for a sexjob in Vienna

top view of a women lying down on the bed

Starting a sexwork career without help can be challenging, so if you are looking for a sexjob in Vienna, you will appreciate a few tips and advice. Since Vienna is an international business hub, working in the capital of Austria can be extremely rewarding.

Of course, in order for this to be a gratifying experience, you need to make sure that you know what you should be doing. This is exactly why we have prepared some of the best tips that we could find for you if you are looking for a sexjob in Vienna.


  1. Find the system that you’re comfortable with
  2. Look for a reputable sexjob
  3. Beware of AO (sex without condom)
  4. Get your health and legal papers for sex work
  5. Have some pictures ready

1. You must find the system that you’re comfortable with if you want to succeed in a sexjob in Vienna

Now, in order to be successful and happy with your work and earnings, you need to choose a niche that you are most comfortable with. This could mean choosing based on what the particular system offers, how much money you can make working in that position or simply what you think would be best for you. You also need to decide on the price range that you want to work for; how much money you want to make.

As you can see, even in the same system, there are businesses where you can earn more than at others. Because of this, you need to learn how much you could be making and use that information in the decision making process.

We wrote an article about how much sex workers can earn in the city:

Once you decide on the type of sexjob you want to work in and how much money you want to be making, you can easily narrow down your options.

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that some business models involve a certain risk factor, and they can be quite costly for you. For example, if you rent a room in a laufhaus and you don’t get enough clients to make a profit, you will be losing money rather than earning it.

The best example of this would be Laufhaus Kolbegasse. This was a great house and a great company with successful businesses all around Austria, but their laufhaus became a huge fail in Vienna, with very few clients visiting. The same goes for studios that rarely get visitors. If you start working in a low popularity business, you might not even get the chance to have a large income.

2. Aim to look for a reputable sexjob in Vienna

The reputation of a business is also important when choosing your sexjob in Vienna. Working in a popular establishment that has a lot of reputation comes with numerous benefits. Not only can you build your own reputation if you choose a popular business, but you will also probably have more clients. Additionally, the most generous and gentlemen-like clients always prefer reputable places to lower quality ones.

The best way to find out about a business’ reputation is to do a thorough background check. You can do this by searching for a particular business on the internet and reading reviews, other peoples’ experiences and evaluating what you find. With so many different review sites, online forums and other portals it shouldn’t be too hard to find out if a business is reputable or not.

Brothels in Vienna Magazin has an article about the best brothels in the city. Reach it by clicking on the button below:

3. AO (sex without protection) is an issue you need to be aware of

Offering sex without a condom (AO sex) as a service is never a good idea for various health and psychological reasons. However, you need to keep in mind that there are girls who are actively offering it. Some studios in Vienna specialize in this niche and most girls there openly offer it.

This means that a girl who offers AO in a studio like this will make more money than someone who doesn’t. Because of this, most girls who work in such a studio usually cave in and start offering AO sex in order to level the playing field and make a bit more money.

Our recommendation is to refuse offering sex without protection and to avoid working in places where it is openly offered. In our opinion, offering unprotected sex for a low fee is not worth the risk of catching something.

We wrote an article about AO sex and about its huge disadvantages:

Going through the process of getting your legal papers for working in a sexjob is a must for anybody who wants to work legally. This is very important, as businesses and places that do not ask for it are usually sketchy and should be avoided at all costs.

You definitely do not want to work illegally, as you could easily have trouble with the police or individuals who will try to exploit you. In order to avoid this, you simply have to go through the legal process that every other girl has went through and respect this necessary step in finding a sexjob in Vienna.

Getting your legal papers to start working is not hard, but it takes time and you won’t be able to work while they are being processed. If a business tries to offer a solution for this, it is usually a red flag and you should avoid working there. A legit and serious establishment won’t allow you to work without your legal papers and health checks. 

We’ve covered all the exact steps you should follow to become a legal sex worker in the city. Click the button to read them:

5. Have some pictures ready for your application

Most sexjob applications will require you to submit photos of yourself in order for them to see how you look. Additionally, businesses that have the available ladies showcased on their website will also need photos of you. Because of this, it is good to have a set of well-made photos of yourself. Having someone take flattering photos of you will surely increase your chances of landing a sex job in Vienna.

High quality photos are important, but what most people love is authenticity. You want to stand out and make people remember you simply from your photos.

Creating genuine and authentic photographs is always better than following what other girls are doing.

You don’t want to be forgotten and become one of many other girls, but rather you want clients to indistinctly remember you. If you can submit a quality photo set with your application, you are definitely in a better position than a girl who just sends in a few selfies she took right then and there.

Conclusion on sexjobs in Vienna

Hopefully you have found these tips helpful and you will use them in the future. The most important things you should focus on when looking for a sex job in Vienna is the amount of money you want to be making, what you want to offer and what type of brothel you wish to work at.

Once you have determined these factors, it shouldn’t be too hard to narrow your search down to the perfect job opportunity. If you are able to do your job efficiently, working in the Viennese sex industry can be a very rewarding and high earning position. Go ahead and start using these tips that we have listed and look for the perfect sexjob in Vienna now!

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