Woman from Hungary, 39, Coerced into Prostitution

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A brothel in the Leopoldstadt district of Vienna recently became the scene of a forced prostitution case. The victim, a 39-year-old Hungarian woman, was allegedly forced into prostitution by a man who had brought her to Vienna under the pretense of helping her obtain legal authorization to work in the sex industry. Once they arrived at the brothel, the man demanded that she work for him and turn over her earnings. He threatened to kill her if she didn’t comply.

Fortunately, witnesses intervened and came to the woman’s aid, causing the man to flee. Following this, the Vienna police were called to the scene, and a manhunt for the suspect was launched. The search led to the arrest of a 39-year-old man at the Nickelsdorf border crossing by the Burgenland police.

The case was then taken over by the Vienna State Criminal Police, Human Trafficking Investigation Department, Storage Group. The suspect was transferred to Vienna for questioning, where he denied the charges of threat and suspicion of prostitution trafficking. The Vienna public prosecutor’s office released him pending further investigation.

The State Criminal Police continue to investigate the case, as forced prostitution and human trafficking are serious criminal offenses. They are working to determine the extent of the man’s involvement in the incident and whether he was part of a larger criminal organization. The case serves as a reminder of the ongoing issue of human trafficking and forced prostitution in Austria, as well as the importance of reporting suspicious activities to the authorities.

The incident also highlights the bravery of the witnesses who intervened and came to the aid of the victim. Their actions helped to prevent a potentially tragic outcome and brought attention to a serious criminal offense. The Vienna police and State Criminal Police are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of those involved in the sex industry, and to bringing those who engage in illegal activities to justice.

Previously we wrote

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