The Customers are Not Complaining about the Colder Brothels

We are back with an interesting news piece that we found on Brothels in Vienna. It was exciting to see how some brothels handle the crisis of the past few years.

Tough times require tough measures, as they say, and brothels in Austria are going through some hard times for sure. Joe Leber, owner of multiple establishments in Lower Austria, Upper Austria, and Vienna had a clever idea to cut down his expenses.

The 48-year-old is a big name in the scene, yet his brothels have certainly felt the economic decline over the past few years. First, there was the Coronavirus with the harsh restrictions all around the World. Then the inflation that followed has affected a wide scale of industries.

As if that wasn’t enough, lately the heating costs have gone over the roof as well.

Leber Started with Encouraging His Clients

During the day, his brothels had about the same number of customers, yet the numbers declined significantly for the nighttime. Leber had to implement some tactics to entice people to visit his brothels more.

“You have to show people how to ease up a bit” as he said to Heute. In one of his brothels called Napoleonhof in Ansfelden, he started to offer every bar drink for only 4.50 Euros.

He thinks it will take years until people truly learn how to go out and have fun again, but he is on a good route to achieve that.

“During these hard times, you need to invest back into the business.” Says Leber. He is trying out many different tactics in that regard, and many of them really work.

While the Rooms are Colder, Customers Still Feel Comfortable

Leber tries his best to apply measures that won’t ruin the customer experience. While he did reduce the room temperature by 2 degrees to save on heating costs, the mood is still boiling in his brothels.

He came up with a simple trick: his brothels have a special, warm floor surface. “If you stand on the floor barefoot, you won’t even notice the difference.” He says.

Joe Leber is also the owner of the two highly popular sauna clubs, Goldentime and Leonding. These two establishments require a lot of electricity just for washing the towels and the bathrobes.

This is How His Brothels Save on Energy Costs While Producing Energy

Thinking about how to save energy is one thing, but producing energy at the same time is next-level. Leber asked himself the question: “How much can I save and what can I produce over time that would help my brothels?”

Fortunately, energy can also be produced using solar roof tiles. Solar energy has been around for a while and Leber decided to invest some money into it. He had the roof tiles replaced in Ansfelden to put solar cells in place instead.

In addition to that, he also installed a modern ventilation system to recover some heat. As you can see, throwing in the towel is not an option for him. While the crisis overshadows everything, he always finds ways to keep his brothels going. 

Discover the Latest News about Brothels in Vienna

If you plan to visit Vienna to have a fun time, it is best to learn about some of the most prestigious places. Recently we found an article about the best brothels in Vienna in 2022. Read the whole article where the author discusses why these places are worth your time and money.

Before you start experimenting, you also need to be aware of some shady tactics. Some clubs and bars in Vienna will try to get as much money out of your pocket as possible. There are 3 important things to avoid in the Vienna sex scene. Find out more here on Brothel Vienna.

The prices have surely been changed lately in Vienna brothels. During the crisis of the past few years, clubs and individual sex workers had no other choice but to increase their fees. Learn more about why the prices are growing in the Vienna sex business by reading the whole article.

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