Man faces life sentence for murder of sex worker

A 46-year-old Turkish-Kurdish man stands trial in the Frankfurt District Court, accused of the brutal murder of a 27-year-old sex worker in October 2022. Prosecutors are pushing for a life sentence.

The woman met the defendant at a Frankfurt sex club a few weeks before her death. Court documents reveal that the man pressured her to quit prostitution.

When she refused, he fatally stabbed and strangled her in her apartment.

Her body went undiscovered for seven months until the defendant led police to its location. It was hidden behind a wooden panel, carefully wrapped in tarps to avoid detection.

The defendant already had trouble with the law, in 2005 he throwed another woman from the second floor of a building. She survived with serious injuries. However, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity and released from a psychiatric facility after three years.

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