We have read a good article on Sex in Vienna, which explained 5 reasons to the readers, why their favourite sex worker ghosted them. It provided quite good reasons, so in this article we will use these reasons in a point-of-view of a sex worker.
We have compiled the top 3 reasons why you have to ghost one of your clients:
- Reason 1: The client is too clingy
- Reason 2: The client wants more and more discounts
- Reason 3: The client follows you on social media
Reason 1: The client is too clingy
In this profession, you will be successful if you find the right balance between the dos and don’ts. We know that this can be difficult, but by the time you will find out where those borders what should not cross.
You will have to learn when to stop a client when he is too clingy. Over time, some clients make too strong emotional connections to you, sometimes stronger than if you were their real girlfriend. The customer-escort girl connection should always remain on a business base and never become highly emotional.

Of course, sooner or later you will run into such a customer, especially if you provide girlfriend experience (GFE). In this case, you have to handle the situation as soon as it is possible, so making the necessary steps you won’t lose the client because the only solution is ghosting him.
You should be aware of the messaging as well. The clients should understand that you are their escort lady and not their family member or friend. By working in a sex club, you should never give the client your number, this is a gold rule. But if you work independently, you will have to give them a number to reach you, the best solution here if you have a work time and it is switched off when you are not available. This way the clients will understand that it is not for sending you private messages about their life.
Sex Vienna has a very good article about 5 mistakes smart dex workers in Vienna don’t make twice, one of them is never give your phone number to the client. Click on the button to read all of the 5 advices:
Reason 2: The client wants more and more discounts
There are customers in any profession who want to get more and more discounts over time. Especially if they are regulars. This can happen easier when you work as an independent escort girl, because the best sex clubs in Vienna have strict and non-negotiable price schemas.
In this article we provided 4 reasons why working as an independent sex worker in Vienna is not a good idea:
You should keep in mind: providing discounts is not the best marketing tool to satisfy the client. It is much better if you give him extras for discounted price or for free, but still keep the basic price of your services.
This is a good solution for two reasons. If you give discounts instead of extras, sooner or later the discount will be too much and you will earn almost nothing. And if you don’t give more and more discounts, the customer will be dissatisfied with you, leave you, even if you already lost a lot of money on him.
Secondly, it is much better to find out nice but for you, free extras, than discounting your service price. In escort work there are a lot of things that you can give for your regulars, and they will be happy with them for sure.
If they can clearly understand that they gave something valuable, then they won’t ask for discounts anymore. If some of them still want it, you probably should ghost them.
Reason 3: The client follows you on social media
As an independent escort girl, you might have public social media profiles in order to give more contact points for your clients. But be sure to not use your personal profiles and create business profiles instead. On Facebook, you can create a Facebook fan page with your stage name. The same is true for Instagram or Twitter. If you choose this solution, then you can successfully separate the work from your private life.
Of course, if you work in a high-class brothel in Vienna, you probably won’t need public profiles.
Why separating work from private life is essential? Because there are a lot different kind of people on the internet, and in this industry you will meet with strange behaviours as well. Some of them “just” trying to be your friend on Facebook, that’s why important to not use your private name in the industry and you never post anything publicly.

Some of them will try to be the part of your private social media life, comment on your posts or like them. This is a very dangerous situation because if you let your clients to be your friend on social platforms, sooner or later they will comment something that you did not want to. For example, they will praise your last night’s performance, on your profile, where your family members or private life friends can also read. Better to avoid such problems and keep yourself private! If the clients still want to reach you on social media, then it is better to ghost him.
And there are more! Some clients are stalking the sex workers on social media and this behaviour can lead to physical violence as well. On this site, we reported a lot of news (for example here and here), when a sex worker was attacked or even killed. This is again another good reason why it is safer to work in a sex club in Vienna than providing independent escort.
In this article, we mentioned many good reasons why you need to ghost your client, even if you can try to avoid it. These reasons were:
- He is extremely clingy
- He wants more and more discounts
- He wants to connect you on social media
Working in the best brothels in the city you will probably be never have to ghost a client, as the ladies are protected from the too aggressive and clingy clients by the place’s staff. Brothel Vienna has a continously maintained list about the best places: