13 women rescued from exploitation on Mallorca

In a significant operation against forced prostitution, the national police on Mallorca have liberated 13 Chinese women from their harrowing ordeal. Victims of sexual exploitation in Palma, as well as in Madrid, Barcelona, and Poland, these women were subjected to slave-like conditions under the control of human traffickers. The breakthrough was announced by the National Police, following a meticulous investigation that led to the arrest of 17 individuals involved in the trafficking ring.

Assisted by Europol due to the international scope of the organization, the investigation uncovered not only the exploitation of women but also the illicit trade of sexual enhancers. According to police findings, the victims were coerced into a state of complete dependency on their captors, forced to be available for clients at all times while under constant surveillance.

The sex workers were recruited from China

The modus operandi of the trafficking ring involved recruiting victims directly from China, exploiting existing contacts in the country who facilitated the recruitment process. Utilizing instant messaging applications, the organization lured victims with promises of employment in Europe, with the women expected to pay exorbitant sums for travel expenses.

Upon arrival in Europe, the women were transported to Poland before ultimately being trafficked to Mallorca under false pretenses of legitimate employment opportunities.

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Their illegal status and language barriers have left them completely vulnerable

In Palma, the victims were confined to brothels where they were compelled to engage in prostitution. Their illegal status in Spain, coupled with language barriers, rendered them entirely reliant on their traffickers. The operation was facilitated by a female ringleader in Mallorca, supported by a network of employees who enforced the exploitative conditions and collected earnings from the victims. The women were subjected to round-the-clock servitude, prohibited from refusing clients and allowed to retain only a fraction of their earnings.

To evade detection, the traffickers enforced strict control measures, including limited freedom of movement and constant surveillance through video monitoring. Profits from the illicit activities were laundered through a hotel owned by the main suspect, disguising the illicit nature of their operations.

The arrests mark a crucial victory in the ongoing battle against human trafficking on the island. Just last January, eight individuals were apprehended for similar offenses, highlighting the persistent threat posed by criminal networks exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit.

As investigations continue, authorities remain committed to dismantling these nefarious operations and ensuring justice for the victims of forced prostitution. The rescue of the 13 women serves as a reminder of the urgent need for concerted efforts to combat human trafficking and protect the most vulnerable in society.

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