How to be One of the Vienna Sex Workers?

woman wearing black panty and bra standing in front of a mirror

Becoming one of the Vienna sex workers is as straightforward as it gets. If you meet all the requirements, then you really just need to go through the same simple process as every other sex worker did.

Vienna is a very popular city in this regard and always looking for talented and ambitious girls to work with. There are many places where you can apply, you only need to choose which one suits your needs the most.

The application can be done online just by submitting a few photos of yourself, writing a short description and filling out a few additional details. There are online forms for this where you can fill out the fields and attach your photos easily.

What Makes You Applicable for Sex Work?

Girls between the age of 18 and 30 have the best chance to get sex jobs. You also need to be communicative and open to meeting new people. Qualified Vienna sex workers speak English and German on a conversational level. Knowledge of any other language will only help you along the way.

one of Vienna sex workers in job

Clubs, studios and agencies look for girls that are attractive, easy-going and open minded. This is the kind of job where you need to show that you take good care of yourself and have a good attitude. If you have any experience working as a stripper, sex worker or even a porn star, then it is a huge plus.

Can you see yourself working as a sex worker for long term? Then don’t hesitate and by all means apply. We are going to show you how!

The Application Process for Vienna Sex Workers

All Vienna sex workers go through the same application process. So this is how it usually goes. You need to go to the website of the club or studio you want to join. Then click their Jobs page and that is where you will find the form where you can add your details.

There are plenty of Vienna brothels with a website where you can do this (like this: sex work Vienna). In case you don’t find it, then contact them via email and attach all the required information. You will need a few recent high-quality photos of yourself so that they can see you from all angles.

Provide basic information about yourself such as age, measurements, contact information. name and known languages. Write down your interests, experiences, education and such for a detailed introduction.

Any additional information they need will be either included in the form or they will contact you via email for it. The best way to go about it is to set a date for a sex job interview and discuss everything in person.

The Work Papers for Becoming a Vienna Sex Worker

In order to start working, you will need to get the Blue and the Green card. The Blue card basically gives sex workers in Vienna the right to work here. The Green card is the health book that shows that you have gone through the medical examination. The law doesn’t allow prostitutes to work without an official health check.

When you have these two cards ready, you can start working whenever you want. For the Blue card, you need to ask for an appointment at the police. They require you to bring 4 passport pictures, then attend to the interview which usually lasts 15 minutes. Once it is done, you can leave with your new Blue card.

Where can you do this? Here is the address: Deutschmeisterplatz 3 – Zimmer 14 / Kontrollstelle – 1010 Wien

For the Green card, you need to go to the doctor to have a thorough health examination. This has to be done two times. After the first examination, you need to go again 1 week later for another one and then the Green card will be handled to you.

Address for medical exam: Thomas-Klestil-Platz 8/2 / Access through Schnirchgassa 14/1 – 1030 Wien

With these two cards, you can go back to the place you applied to and become one of the Vienna sex workers.

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