Being an escort is not an easy part-time job

woman wearing grey and brown mesh dress

Young people are easily attracted by the sex work industry with the promise of big amounts of money in a very short period of time, but in reality, this is rarely the case. Daria herself worked as an escort for several years. She is happy that she got out and hopes that she never has to do it again.

Daria was only 17 years old when she started working as a sex worker. With the money she earned, she managed to take care of herself despite the difficult situation she was in.

That was many years ago and she is now happy that that kind of work is past her. But the psychological damage still weighs on her.

She told DeutschlandFunkNova: ‘’I financed my escape from home as an escort. At the time, I was still in school and saw no other way to earn money.’’

Daria comes from a difficult family background

Daria comes from a difficult family background, She started working as a sex worker into the escort service due to her desire to be financially independent. At first she slept with men so that she doesn’t have to sleep home, only later on does she request money for her services. But that triggers a strange feeling inside her heart.

She also declared: ‘’Everyone should think carefully beforehand whether he or she wants to work as an escort. Because even one single client can mentally break you.’’

In the beginning she kept justifying the situation to herself, but after about three years, Daria got worse and worse. Later on she took the decision to stop working as an escort when she found herself in a longer term relationship. She starts reflecting on the past few years and decides at that time to never go back.

But it turns out differently. She splits up with her boyfriend and ends up once more without the financial means to support herself.

‘’Most people that have financial problems do not think to start working in the sex industry, but those that have already done it so often think that this is the only way.’’ Even though Daria has a hard time healing mentally and emotionally, she is in a better place now. She is aware of her scars and works on herself. She often writes about her healing journey on Instagram. She is also helped by former contact from the escort industry and by the Sisters advice centres. Her last message was: ‘’Nobody should underestimate the psychological consequences of sex work.’

by Sex Work Vienna

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