Sex work is often surrounded by myths and false ideas. To clear things up, Catherine De Noire, a brothel manager, uses social media to talk about her job. Recently, she explained an important safety rule called the eight-second rule.
Clearing up myths about sex work
Catherine De Noire wants to change how people think about sex work. As a manager of a brothel, she answers questions on Instagram and TikTok. She hopes to make her work more understandable to others.
One topic she discussed is the eight-second rule, which is about the sex workers’ safety. In the brothel where she is working, there is a panic button in every room, which the girls can use in case of an emergency.
When a sex worker pushes one of the buttons, the security personnel have 8 seconds to arrive at the room and help the given girl. According to De Noire, the staff is trained to know the fastest route to reach the rooms, with the keys if needed.
The panic buttons are used rarely, and often because of less critical reasons
According to the manager, the girls use such buttons in the brothel one or two times a month, so it can be considered very rare. And in most cases, they push the buttons not because of an emergency, but rather due to rude or unwanted behavior of clients.
The manager mentioned a few such reasons, including cases when the paid time for sex has ended, but the client does not want to leave the room, or when the client falls deeply asleep and the security guys are needed to wake him up. Fortunately, serious aggression against sex workers is quite rare.

There are panic buttons in the best brothels in Vienna as well
Although we have never heard about the 8-second rule, and most likely it is a media hack, the above-described technical solutions work the same in almost all serious high-class brothels. Also in Vienna, where the best brothels are equipped with alarm systems, this is one of the leading reasons why many girls choose these places for work.
The brothels in the city are widely known as safe places, where the management uses a system with many layers. These include the bouncers, the face check at the entrance, the surveillance system, the already mentioned alarm systems in the rooms, and many more.
It is always a good idea to work in a high-class brothel in Vienna, to avoid shady or aggressive clients and the other downsides of working without a reliable background in the night scene.
Read our article here about the biggest downsides of being an indie escort girl: