woman in white panty

Conform surselor noastre, o organizație specializată în ajutorarea prostituatelor își depune eforturile pentru a ajuta lucrătoarele sexuale din orașul Ravensburg din Germania. Se pare că doar 80 de femei sunt înregistrate oficial ca lucrătoare sexuale, iar chiar și acestea se tem de autorități și întâmpină adesea probleme în vorbirea limbii. Din acest motiv, membrii organizației … Read more

woman wearing grey and brown mesh dress

Young people are easily attracted by the sex work industry with the promise of big amounts of money in a very short period of time, but in reality, this is rarely the case. Daria herself worked as an escort for several years. She is happy that she got out and hopes that she never has … Read more

woman wearing grey and brown mesh dress

Tinerii sunt ușor atrași de industria sexului cu promisiunea unor sume mari de bani într-o perioadă foarte scurtă de timp, dar în realitate, acest lucru este rar. Daria însăși a lucrat ca escortă timp de câțiva ani. Este fericită că a ieșit și speră că nu va mai trebui să o facă niciodată. Daria avea … Read more

woman wearing face mask

Datorită pandemiei, Lucy, o studentă britanică, și-a pierdut locul de muncă part-time ca barman și nu a reușit să găsească alt loc de muncă. Fără un loc de muncă part-time, Lucy nu a avut suficienți bani pentru a-și continua studiile, iar în această situație, ea a ales să înceapă să lucreze ca prostituată. Ea a … Read more

woman wearing face mask

Because of the pandemic, Lucy, a British student, lost her part-time job as a bartender and she was unable to find another job. Without a part-time job, Lucy, was unable to have enough money to keep studying and this is when she chose to start working as a sex worker. She told the university portal … Read more

crime scene do not cross signage

Austria has registered the 25th murder of a woman in 2021. A 28-year-old confessed to the murder of his girlfriend. The 28-year-old man parked his car in front of the Villach district administration and proceeded to carry the dead body of his girlfriend out of the back seat of his car and lay it straight … Read more

man and woman lying on bed

Due to the restrictions imposed in order to minimise the Corona virus patients, sex work was banned for quite a while and lots of sex workers were left with no income. Some of the sex workers felt obliged by the situation to start working illegally in hotel rooms or private apartments. The sex work industry … Read more

spain flag in pole

Prostitution in Spain is currently legal; however the present prime minister of the country is advocating a ban on prostitution. Spain is among the top countries with the most prostitutes working, but this might change in the future if the ban on prostitution goes through. For more details about this news, as well as other … Read more

woman wearing face mask

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted the prostitution scene in a very harsh way all around the world. Brothels in Germany have been closed for the most part since the pandemic started, which made working legally practically impossible Because of this, many women have been left without work or worse, homeless. Read on for more details … Read more

brown concrete building during daytime

Although prostitution is legalized and regulated in Vienna, women are only allowed to work in legally operated businesses. There are numerous great sex bars, brothels, Laufhauses and other types of establishments in Vienna that you can choose if you wish to start working in this field. However, there are women who offer their services through … Read more