Sexwork News
The News feed is your central source for the latest news relevant to sex workers in Vienna. Read all news about Vienna’s sex job scene in one place and save yourself the time and effort of searching. Our goal is to ensure that every sex worker has access to the knowledge and resources they need to thrive. Whether it’s changing local or internatinal laws, providing security tips, or sharing upcoming events, this news feed covers it all. We reach out to various resources and experts to bring you accurate and updated information.
Our constantly updated feed ensures that you will never miss important news, trends and insights. From breaking news to in-depth articles, we provide extensive coverage to keep you informed about everything that matters in the world of sex work. By educating yourself, you can make confident and responsible decisions and be part of a supportive community that understands your specific struggles and the possibilities that lie ahead. Explore the latest news articles below and be sure to be up to date with what’s happening in our dynamic world of sex work.
Latest Vienna Sexwork News
Polizei untersucht das Verschwinden einer Sexarbeiterin in Bayern
Eine 33-jährige Sexarbeiterin, Katina K., ist in Deutschland verschwunden. Sie arbeitete als Prostituierte und wurde zuletzt am 1. August in Eggolsheim, Bayern, gesehen. Ihr plötzliches Verschwinden hat Befürchtungen geweckt, dass sie möglicherweise Opfer eines Verbrechens geworden sein könnte. Sie arbeitete...